Dance Uniform Requirements &
Class Attendance Policy
A student is allowed a maximum of three absences per semester. A reminder of our policy will be issued after two absences occur. After three absences the teacher will contact parent/guardian or the student to discuss the student's continuation of the class and if any changes need to be made.
Please contact the teacher directly before class (if possible) if you will be absent for any reason. (Phone numbers will be provided.)
A teacher may have two absences OR the school may cancel classes twice without scheduling a makeup class. If there are more than two absences/cancellations either a substitute for that class time OR a makeup class is guaranteed.
Dress Code for the Arts Program Dance Classes
Please note: dance wear items you already own may not comply—you may wear them. But any future purchases of dance attire should fit these requirements.
Thank you
Boys Ballet & Tap Uniform:
Plain white, short or long sleeved T-shirt tucked into black pants or shorts.
Black semi-fitted shorts or jogger pants
Black ballet shoes and tall, thin white socks.
Black lace up oxford style tap shoes for tap class.
Warm-up clothing will be allowed in class at a teacher's discretion during cold weather. A black, fitted cardigan or sweater (NO hoodies of any kind) are allowed. Black leg warmers allowed. No loose or baggy clothes (including T-shirts) permitted under any circumstances. No street clothes allowed. If you are unsure, check with your teacher to have something approved.
Girls Ballet & Tap Uniform:
Black leotard. Simple and modest.
Black wrap or pull-on skirt. Mesh or solid. Above the knee.
Black skirt or running shorts are both acceptable for tap class. If you have questions about the shorts, as your teacher.
Ballet pink or European pink tights.
Pink canvas, split sole ballet shoes for ballet class. The shoes should match the color of the tights as best as possible.
Black lace up oxford style tap shoes for tap class.
Hair in a classical ballet bun, ponytail, or braid. Must be out of the face.
Undergarments - be sure to purchase appropriate undergarments so that no undergarments are showing.
Warm-up clothing will be allowed in class at a teacher's discretion during cold weather. Ballet Pink or Black, fitted sweaters (example: ballet wrap sweater, cardigan, etc.) (NO hoodies of any kind), ballet pink or black leg warmers are allowed. No loose or baggy clothes (including T-shirts) permitted under any circumstances. No street clothes allowed.
Mens Ballet & Tap Uniform:
A white, long or short sleeve, form fitting T-shirt. Athletic wear, free of words.
Black semi-fitted shorts or track/jogger pants (see picture examples) and a white v-neck T-Shirt tucked in.
Black ballet shoes with sewn laces and no-show socks.
Black lace up oxford style tap shoes for tap class.
Warm-up clothing will be allowed in class at a teacher's discretion during cold weather. A black, fitted cardigan or sweater (NO hoodies of any kind) are allowed. Black leg warmers are allowed. No loose or baggy clothes (including T-shirts) permitted under any circumstances. No street clothes allowed. If you are unsure, check with your teacher to have something approved.
Women’s Ballet & Tap Uniform:
Black leotard. Simple and modest.
Black wrap or pull-on skirt. Mesh or solid. Above the knee.
Black skirt or running shorts are both acceptable for tap class. If you have questions about the shorts, ask your teacher.
Ballet pink or European pink tights.
Pink canvas, split sole ballet shoes for ballet class. The shoes should match the color of the tights as best as possible.
Black lace up oxford style tap shoes for tap class.
Hair in a classical ballet bun, ponytail, or braid. Must be out of the face.
Warm-up clothing will be allowed in class at a teacher's discretion during cold weather. A black, fitted sweater (example: ballet wrap sweaters, cardigan, etc.) (NO hoodies of any kind), black leg warmers are allowed. As well as black garbage pants during pre barre warmups. No loose or baggy clothes (including T-shirts) permitted under any circumstances. No street clothes allowed.